Where Forgotten Films Dwell

Welcome to this site! It exists for one reason: to preserve the memory of films that have been forgotten about or under-appreciated throughout the ages. Take a seat, read an entry, leave a comment. You might discover your new favorite movie!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Out sick

Sorry guys...but I'm out sick.

For those of you lucky enough to be living outside the US right now...you should know that we are currently experiencing one of our worst winters in recent history.


And I've gotten sick...YET AGAIN.

I'll post the review as soon as possible...maybe even tomorrow...

But no promises....


  1. That's bad news, I hope you get well soon!

    I've been reading about the weather in the US in the news, sounds really dreadful...here in the South of France we've had a very mild winter with barely any snow at all (that's the one good thing about where I live I suppose)

    Anyway, I look forward to your new review.

  2. *shakes fist*

    Darn you and your wonderful European weather!!

  3. I'm going to back you up by attempting to bang out an essay for Claire Denis's Beau Travail today. I just begun and already ran into writer's block so don't count on me, but I'm rewatching the film right now for inspiration. I know I'd promised you a Haneke piece but I'm in no mood for it.

    Watch Beau Travail if you can, because I am uncomfortable writing at length without spoilers.

  4. Also, get better!

  5. Dude!

    That's great!

    But can we use it for our new website?

    We'll give you full credit, of course!

  6. I don't think I can even come close to completing it today...have a lot of work due tomorrow in class. Will work on it all week.

    What's your new site?

  7. Oh...we haven't even come CLOSE to launching it yet.

    It will be a place where original film criticism and reviews are comingled with original artwork from artists...sort of like an impromptu film journal and art gallery.

    But we're MONTHS from launching. But we'd LOVE to have you contribute!

  8. Hey, Nate, so sorry to hear you're afflicted with what a pal of mine dubbed "The Dreaded Lurgy"! Living in NE PA, my family and I have spent over a month slogging through this harsh snowstorm-filled winter, including our car having to get fixed on account of a sharp, spiky mini-meteorite of snow and ice flying off the top of a truck and wreaking havoc on our transmission! (Luckily, nobody was hurt and our car insurance covered the damage.) I wish I had a $10 bill for every Snow Day our daughter's school has had since January! Take good care of yourself, Nate; we hope you'll be on the mend and writing your great reviews again ASAP!

  9. Wait...you live in NE PA?

    I live outside of Philadelphia!

    Anyhow...I'm feeling better now and I should be posting a new review later today.
