
On June 12, 2000, a homeless man named Sandro Rosa do Nascimento boarded a public bus in Jardim Botânico, Rio de Janeiro with the intention of robbing its passengers. Armed with a .38 caliber revolver, Sandro found himself in the middle of a hostage situation when one of the passengers managed to signal the Brazilian military police. What followed was a media circus as reporters swarmed the bus, transmitting the entire crisis on Brazilian television. As the day turned to night, Sandro became irritated and began to threaten the lives of his ten hostages. Finally, at 6:50 PM, Sandro exited the bus using one of his hostages, a pregnant schoolteacher named Geisa Firmo Gonçalves, as a human shield. Tragically, a bungled effort by local special ops to disarm Sandro led to Gonçalves being shot several times. As Gonçalves died in the street, the police forced Sandro into the back of a police vehicle where he died of asphyxiation. The entire event was a monumental disaster. Stubborn higher-ups in the police force insisted on taking Sandro alive, resulting in multiple missed opportunities to neutral him with a sniper. The law enforcement acted indecisively as a result of the local media coverage, not wanting to lose face by taking him in on live television. Miscommunication between the various law enforcement branches led to the disastrous attempt to subdue Sandro when he exited the bus, directly leading to Gonçalves’ death. And finally, it is rumored that the police murdered Sandro in the back of the police vehicle as revenge for humiliating the entire department on national television. The officers who took Sandro into custody were tried in court and found not guilty.
The entire affair was later documented and partially recreated in the superb Brazilian documentary Bus 174, named after the specific route advertised on the bus that Sandro unintentionally hijacked (in November 2001 it was renamed as route 158). It creates a visceral and devastating examination of Brazilian law enforcement, media politics, life for homeless orphans, and street crime. But at its heart is Sandro: his life, his struggles, and his unintentional martyrdom. Yes, martyrdom is the right word to use. For Sandro used the event to cry out against social injustices. Screaming at the video cameras that surrounded him, Sandro struck back at the criminal elements that led to his mother being murdered in front of his eyes, the system that prosecutes and mistreats young street orphans, and the apathetic public who, when polled, revealed that they were in favor of killing the orphans in order to clean the city up. Some may say that the death of Gonçalves nullifies all chances of him being a martyr. But let me point out that Gonçalves was shot four times and three of those bullets came from the police officers who were supposed to rescue her.

Directors Padilha and Felipe Lacerda recognized that the Bus 174 incident was a symptom of a much more devastating illness. So they spend much of the film exploring the criminal element of Brazilian society. What we find is a torturous portrait of young children forced to live and steal on the streets. These children, it is explained, are literally invisible to passersby who ignore them as they go about their daily routines. Their lives are worth less than nothing, as they are rounded up, thrown in jails with subhuman conditions, and literally left to rot. Sandro himself was a survivor of legendary Candelaria church massacre of July 23, 1993 where Brazilian policeman murdered seven homeless children and injured several others. We meet a bevy of experts and psychologists who postulate that Sandro was psychologically scarred by the event and may have led to his holding up Bus 174.
As Padilha and Felipe Lacerda dive deeper and deeper into the social ills of Brazilian society, disturbing trend begins to appear. As can be expected, there are several convicted criminals and street orphans who are interviewed. They all mask their identities, either out of fear of losing street cred or facing retribution for squealing. But soon the police officers and law officials that they interview begin to wear masks and disguise their voices as well. One would think that they would have nothing to fear from testifying about a public police action. But it slowly becomes apparent that these men have as much to fear as the street criminals that they attack. Clearly, they face prospects of retribution from inside their own departments. After all, the Bus 174 was a colossal embarrassment for the local law enforcement. In one of the most corrupt police departments in the developing world, is it any surprise that those who remind them of one of their greatest failures would be in danger for their lives?
After all, we are talking about a police department that not only allows, but in a sense depends on corruption and graft to survive. My mother used to work as a missionary in Brazil. She explained to me one day that most Brazilian policemen are severely underpaid by the government. In order to feed their families, officers are literally forced to survive on what they can manage to extort from the public. Bogus traffic violations, spurious parking tickets, and other illegal methods of extortion are the name of the game. When I asked why people didn’t stand up to them, she explained that such a reaction would lead to being put in jail. And the last thing you want, according to my mother, is to end up in a Brazilian jail.
In addition to being forced to operate in a system that requires corruption, Bus 174 explains that many, if not most, policemen are critically under-trained. Experts in the film explain that the mentality among most police officers is that they exist to enforce the law and kill those who stand in their way. Most of the time, it is the homeless who find themselves in such predicaments. In hindsight, it is a miracle that only two people were killed as a result of the standoff.

To watch Bus 174 is to witness a sad implosion of Brazilian society. The end, when it comes, is tragic, but we ultimately don’t expect anything else. What else could happen in such a situation? But Bus 174’s greatest strength is not in what it says, but in what is doesn’t say. A lesser documentary would chastise the local law enforcement and the complacent public that allowed such a tragedy to happen. A lesser documentary would grandstand itself and demand social change. Bus 174 doesn’t. It regards its material with a sad sense of resignation. It bestows Sandro with a sense of dignity and understanding that he probably never received in his life. Ultimately, Bus 174 presents a system in desperate need of change. One can only light a candle for orphans like Sandro, so mistreated, so exploited, so destined for tragedy.
Out of respect for my Brazilian readers, I have removed some lines from this review that may be misconstrued as hurtful or insensitive. As one of my readers pointed out, many of these social ills discussed in this review are being diligently resolved. For that I am extremely thankful.
Part 1/12 of Bus 174
A beautiful review, specially the social commentary in the last para. I'm coming to love the documentary genre.
ReplyDeleteYour last lines sound a little Chicago Blues, Nathanael. Thanks to new governmental line of action, Rio's crime rate is now the lowest in 20 years, and dropping. US$ 2 billion are invested in education and housing only this year for the less privileged. Economy is running at 7% growth a year. While all the countries are widening the gap between rich and poor Brazil is one of the few that is managing to lessen it. (Of course it's still bad, but the curve is positive). For the first time in history there's more middle class than poor in the country. Historically, when this happens, it never goes back. The word's largest oil discovery ever was found in the coast of Rio and will bring 1 trillion dollars into the economy. So, sorry for the Chicago Blues and the eternal superior look on the "rest of the world" but situation is quickly changing indeed. Yours, Felipe Lacerda.
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ReplyDeleteFelipe Lacerda,
ReplyDeleteLet me begin by saying that I was in no way trying to sound superior in this review. I was not trying to say that one country was better than another.
I would like to say that it appears that if what you say is true, than a miracle has happened. For that I thank God.
Felipe, I hope you understand that I wasn't trying to insult you, OR the nation of Brazil. Every nation has their own problems. Here in the United States, partisan bickering has prevented much needed social change. I would, and COULD (if you wanted) read off a checklist of social problems that the United States faces. We are no angels, and we are in no way superior to any other nation.
When I said that my mother was a missionary in Brazil, I was telling the truth. If there is one thing that she taught me about Brazil, it's that it as an amazingly beautiful country filled with many of the greatest people in the world. She eagerly wants to take my family for a trip there.
It may seem like I was being rude or condescending toward Brazil in this review. This is not the case. I was pointing out a severe problem that Brazilian society faced. Thankfully, it appears that they are overcoming it.
My eternal love and respect for Brazil and its people remain steadfast.
Nathanael Hood
S.M. Rama,
ReplyDeleteI can tell that you are falling in love with the documentary genre, what with all of your Errol Morris reviews on your site.
I'm curious about the Russkaya yazik on your sidebar.
ReplyDeleteHe's just a fan, supporter, and reader of this site.
ReplyDeleteHe added a link to this site on his own web page. I felt like returning the favor.
I'm brazillian and i can say that even with the better numbers in education and violence, our society didn't change that much. Our country is still under educated and that will stall everything else. Your mother probably knows more about Brazil than even some brazillians. All i can say is that Brazil society is still broken. Economic growth will help, but not cure our problems.
ReplyDeleteEvery nation has their problems. Brazil has come a very long way, my friend!
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