Saturday, October 1, 2011

No Review This Week

Sorry folks. I can't manage a new Forgotten Classic this week. I've got too much graduate school brik-a-brak to deal with.

But I'll be back next week!

Nathanael Hood


  1. Dear Nat! Humble message from Stockholm
    I saw your french "gangsta" movies list on Guardian and ended up here.

    I love them films and your list is spot-on. Melville is the master and you gave me a new one "Classe tous Risques", downloading it right now.

    I think I'm going to enjoy this site very much indeed!

  2. We'll still be here when you get back, Nate! Hope we'll be able to meet up in NYC when we're here on October 15th for the NY Comic Con. Looking forward to breaking bread with you at Eisenberg's! :-)
